Heinous act


Originally published in The Wichita Eagle


The taking of innocent lives at the Jewish community center and senior living facility in Overland Park was a heinous act against mankind – and I’m deeply sorry for the families that lost their loved ones. As a Muslim American, I share the same mutual respect and love the Jewish community holds for the Israelite Prophets. This week, as my Jewish friends celebrate Passover, I will pray that God passes over us all violent acts that go against freedom of religion.

We, as Muslims, also “believe in that which was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the Tribes, and that which was given to Moses and Jesus and other Prophets from their Lord.” These were God-fearing people who brought the message of peace. If the man who allegedly committed this violence had truly looked into the Jewish faith to learn its beauty, perhaps this heinous act could have been prevented.

About the author

Kamran Khan

Born in Karachi, Pakistan and raised in Chicago, USA, Kamran is one of the newest members of the Muslim Writers Guild of America. Kamran provides business level strategies working at a derivatives trading firm. Kamran has published in leading English and Spanish newspapers across the United States

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By Kamran Khan