Ramadan promotes empathy, charity


Originally published in Indy Star


If you are a Muslim, it is time to recharge your spiritual batteries.

The Islamic month of Ramadan started June 28. For those who are not Muslim, here is what Ramadan is all about.

During this month, adult healthy Muslims are commanded to fast from sunrise to sunset, abstaining from food, drink and sexual relations. A major idea behind fasting is to promote empathy and charity for those who struggle to put food on the table. The Prophet Muhammad stated, “He is not a believer, who eats his fill while his neighbor goes hungry.”

Ramadan specifically stresses that those who fast abstain from using harsh language, argumentation, and all other sins and focus instead on spiritual development. My personal experience is that in the afternoon of a fast, when energy is low, I get a clearer picture of what is really important in our lives. At that time, I feel a stronger emotion of love and compassion towards those around me, especially my family.

I hope and pray that Muslims around the world will grow spiritually in the month of Ramadan and will strive to make this world a better place for everyone.


About the author

Muzaffar Ahmad
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