Muslims celebrate Ramadan’s passing


Published in the Richmond Times Dispatch on June 22nd 2017:

As the month of Ramadan came to an end, Muslims everywhere celebrated with Eid al-Fitr. Typically, Eid is a time for reflection on a month dedicated to abstaining from sin. Muslims fill the month by giving back to their communities and to the needy. This Ramadan was no different as countless Muslims around the world gave food, clothes, and other forms of charity to homeless shelters and food shelters.

However, one does not need to be a Muslim to give back as it is everyone’s responsibility to help those who need it. Who knows, one day that person in need may be you. On the day of Eid, Muslims gather with their friends and families not only to celebrate the passing of Ramadan, but to reflect together on their good deeds and communion with God, all while enjoying good food and company.

Faizan Tariq

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