Amid attacks, Fourth of July holds meaning for Muslims


Originally Published in the Sun Sentinel on July 4th, 2017

by Usama Chaudhry

Today we will celebrate Independence Day and the founding of the United States of America. This momentous occasion reminds us of the effort by the Founding Fathers of the United States to create an independent nation ruled by a just government.

One of the most important sections of the Declaration of Independence reads that “all men are created equal” and that all men have the right to “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” We must remember this message and the rest of this great document when celebrating this holiday. We must treat others, regardless of religion and race, with proper respect.

In these turbulent times, Muslims throughout the United States have been called terrorists and criticized because of their faith. However, the Holy Prophet Muhammad, instructed all Muslims that “Love of one’s country is a part of faith.” The teachings of Holy Prophet Muhammad and the Holy Quran are why Muslims will be joining millions of other Americans in celebration this Fourth of July.


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