Nafis – Not a True Muslim


Originally Published in The New Jersey Record.

Regarding “Man held in N.Y.C. bombing scheme” (Page A-1, Oct. 18):

As an American Muslim, I strongly condemn Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis’ attempt to blow up the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. He claims that he was inspired by Osama bin Laden’s teachings.

While the Quran instructs Muslims not to create disorder in the earth, Nafis planned to “destroy America” and take innocent lives, including those of women and children. By preferring to follow bin Laden’s ideology rather than the Quranic instructions, Nafis has clearly indicated that he is not a true Muslim.

Nasir Ahmad
Tinton Falls, Oct. 17

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Nasir Ahmad

Clinical Professor of Medicine at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School - Rutgers University, and specialist in Infectious Diseases, Nasir is the recipient of the prestigious Presidential Volunteer Service Award (Gold) in 2009. He writes on various topics including Islam in America, patriotism, religious freedom, etc and has published extensively both locally and nationally.

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