Sharp Response to his Bigotry is Heartening


Originally Published in the Star Tribune

The inflammatory comments made by Big Stone County Republican Party chairman Jack Whitley, and the subsequent developments, made me, as an American Muslim, appreciate how fortunate I am to reside in this country (“FB posts cost GOP boss day job,” Nov. 25).

From the action taken by business owners Bob and Sue Kulbeik to stand up against bigotry, to the statement issued by the Minnesota Republican Party condemning Whitley’s anti-Muslim writings, I am thankful to the Ortonville community in particular and fair-minded Minnesotans in general for sending a strong message against hatred. In perfect accordance with the teachings of Islam, I strive to live by the slogan “love for all, hatred for none.”

In this holiday season, I hope this message resonates within our communities.

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Abdul Naseer

Dr. Abdul Naseer Malmi Kakkada is postdoctoral research scientist at the University of Maryland - College Park. He works in the area of theoretical biophysics conducting research into topics such as protein folding and adaptation mechanism in bacteria. Prior to moving to the DC area he lived in Minnesota where he published in various local and state newspapers, as he is passionate about writing on topics related to faith & society.

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