
The Scarlet Bandana The ‘Cause of Allah’ Is Also Justice and Equity


Originally published in Santa Barbara Independent He wore a red bandana. Despite seeing the blood of those dying around him, he decided to go back into the smoky building. Despite the noise of the stricken building, his soothing voice calmed the injured. Despite being just a young 24-year-old among fleeing civilians, he was found buried among firefighters, emergency personnel, and other heroes...

Moms are awesome: Happy Mother’s Day memories of sacrifice, ingenuity and innocent love


Originally published in Dallas News Mother’s Day is a special time to reflect what our mothers have done for us. My mother sacrificed her career so she can stay home to raise me, help me with my education, and teach me the rights and wrongs of the world. The prophet Muhammad once stated, “I know of no other deed that brings people closer to Allah than kind treatment and respect towards one’s...

Tragedy and heroism at Pennsylvania high school


Originally published in The Duluth News Tribune On April 9 a terrible incident occurred at a Pennsylvania high school. A teenage boy wielding two kitchen knives went on a stabbing rampage and injured 21 people, including 20 students and one adult. I would like to extend my sincere condolences to all those who were harmed because of this tragedy.  At the same time, I also would like to commend all...

A Muslim’s invitation to the new atheists: Dawkins, Ali, and Harris


Originally published in The Daily Caller With Ayaan Hirsi Ali in an uproar over her unvitation from Brandeis University, and Richard Dawkins beginning his American tour, what better time to invite them to work together to promote pluralism and tolerance? And just for kicks, my invite includes Sam Harris — who is likewise no stranger to demonizing Islam. The ongoing debate stems from these new...

Daniel Pipes and the anti-Islam crowd’s cries for attention sounding increasingly desperate


Originally published in The Daily Caller Imagine if you picked up your morning paper and the news story read “Judaism’s inadvertent effects on adherents.” Imagine if article’s non-Jewish author wrote, “The Torah strictly bans the consumption of pork, leading to the virtual disappearance of domesticated pigs in Jewish-majority areas, then their replacement by sheep and goats. These herds have...

Shock and surprise over Rice arrest


Originally published in The Baltimore Sun I was shocked, surprised and stunned to read of Ravens running back Ray Rice‘s arrest on domestic violence charges (“Ravens’ Rice knocked fiancee unconscious, police say,” Feb. 20). Mr. Rice was the last person I expected to commit such an act, if only because he champions the Ray of Hope anti-bullying campaign. By visiting...

Faith and Self


Originally published in Queens Press I am an American Ahmadi Muslim middle school student. I was born in America and will never leave it. I love this country, America, because this country is my homeland. For me, loving my homeland is like loving my mother. Loving my country is part of my faith. This is the teaching of my beloved religion, Islam. Islam not only teaches to love your motherland but...

Racism and Islam


Originally Published in The Santa Barbara Independent   About 85 years ago, a man was brought into the world who forever challenged racism in America. Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream of creating a racism-free America has since challenged racial inequality in various ways. But even before the advent of Dr. King, Prophet Muhammad of Islam challenged racism in the world 1,500 years ago...

Suicide Bombing and Pakistan’s Double Standard


Originally Published in Faith Street We’ve all heard the story of Pakistan’s most courageous teen—Aitzaz Hasan—who stopped a suicide bomber before he killed hundreds. Aitzaz could have run and saved his own life. He could have pretended it wasn’t his responsibility. He could have been selfish. But instead Aitzaz gave his life to save countless more. And as a result, Pakistan and Muslims worldwide...

Boston bombings and a Muslim identity crisis


Originally Published in The Christian Science Monitor We have seen the pictures of the Tsarnaev brothers. We know their names, and we are learning facts about their lives – one a boxer, and the other a student. But we still don’t really know their identity. And neither did the brothers, as they allegedly planted those bombs at the finish line of the Boston Marathonlast week. Or at least, that’s...