Originally Published in the Huffington Post Feb. 28 came and went, and thus ended Pope Benedict’s short tenure. According to most, no claimant to Divine office remains on Earth, at least until the next pope is elected. On the contrary, His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the world’s only Khalifa and head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, continues his lifelong Divinely...
FRANCIS: Pray for interfaith peace and understanding
Originally Published in The News Tribune I want to congratulate the Catholic Church and Pope Francis on his election to the office of pope. I pray that he can bring about interfaith peace and understanding through his leadership. As a member of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, we understand the importance of leadership and its role in bringing about peace between the various faith communities...
5 Differences Between a Catholic Pope and an Islamic Khalifa
More than 30 years ago, when my parents enrolled me in St. Anthony’s, a Catholic school in Pakistan, our neighbors expressed a concern: Will my faith be at risk because of attending a Catholic school? But I experienced no conflict. I noted how the nuns wore a black head cover with a long dress — just like my mother. I observed how the priests were kind — just like my father. I...
Those who follow Islam are Muslims; but not all Muslims follow Islam
Originally Appeared on the Rochester Hills Patch In order for someone to be a Muslim, he or she must recite the “kalma”, or pledge. “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger.” Of course there is so much more to being a Muslim than just reciting words. A Muslim must be pious, peaceful, loving, submissive to God, and a servant to Mankind. But rarely do we see these...
Have a blessed Promised Reformer Day
Originally published in Hartford Although Muslims don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day, millions of them across the globe do commemorate a sign of God’s love for the real Islam six days after. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community who believe in both Messiahs, Jesus and Ahmad, honor Yawm Al Musleh Ma’ud or the Promised Reformer Day on Feb 20. As was God’s way with some of His earlier blessed elects like...
What would Mohammed do about U.S. pastor in Iran?
Originally published on CNN Saeed Abedini, with his 4-year-old son, was sentenced to eight years in an Iranian prison. When will Iran’s government and clerics stop running from the truth that their religion – which they call Islam – would be unrecognizable to the Prophet Mohammed? On the mere allegation that American pastor Saeed Abedini...
The Real Revolution: a radio program about the real Islam
Originally published in Hartford HartfordFAVS contributor Zahir Muhammad Mannan invites listeners to tune into a weekly live radio program to learn about the real Islam. ”The program discusses hot topics from around the globe and engages listeners from diverse backgrounds and faiths,” Mannan said. The Real Revolution airs every Friday night, (tonight Feb. 8) on WLIE 540 AM at 7 p.m. for Long...
Only with justice
Originally published in the Northwest Herald The democratic process is an amazing process, one that is able to promote its first African American president. As I congratulate President Barack Obama on his re-election and wish him success, I also encourage him to keep justice in mind while in office, both here and abroad. This is not a liberty all nations afford their citizens. In Pakistan, for...
Muslims: #RemoveHate or Pakistan Will Disintegrate
Originally Published in The Huffington Post and The Washington Post Pakistan went through a Rosa Parks moment on Jan. 10 when twin bombings killed more than 100 members of the persecuted Shiite Muslim sect. The families refused to bury their kin. They protested — in subfreezing temperatures — by sitting next to the dead bodies for four days, demanding the ouster of the provincial...
Why Would a Church Turn Down Free Flu Shots?
Originally Published in WashingtonPost.com & HuffiingtonPost.com Let me guess: A flu-like illness afflicted you or someone you know in the past two weeks. What else would you expect? CDC is now reportingwidespread Influenza (flu) activity in more than 41 states. Since the virus infects blacks and whites, gays and straight, Christians and Muslims — indiscriminately — it kills...