Schools, not drones, can defeat cowardly Taliban


Originally Published in The New York Post and  The Asbury Park Press

Now we know what the Taliban are afraid of. Not of drone attacks or bombs, but of books. By their cowardly attack on Malala Yousufzai — a strong proponent of women education — they have indicated to us how we can defeat them.

Rather than spending billions of American dollars on drone attacks, we should spend this money to build schools and spread books in that region. Let us join hands with a 14-year old Pakistani girl and let the power of education — not war — defeat the Taliban.

Nasir Ahmad, M.D.

Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School,
Hospital Epidemiologist, Riverview Medical Center,
Tinton Falls

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Nasir Ahmad

Clinical Professor of Medicine at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School - Rutgers University, and specialist in Infectious Diseases, Nasir is the recipient of the prestigious Presidential Volunteer Service Award (Gold) in 2009. He writes on various topics including Islam in America, patriotism, religious freedom, etc and has published extensively both locally and nationally.

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